Spread over a 16-acre campus in GE-block and a 10-acre campus in JC-block, Salt lake, and 25 acres in Kalyani. The Ministry of Ayush runs three premier institutes of Homeopathy offering Undergraduate (UG) and Postgraduate (PG) courses.ġ National Institute of Homeopathy (NIH), Kolkata. There are more than two hundred Homoeopathic medical colleges out of which more than forty-two are Government institutions (including grant in aid).

Homeopathy medical education in India is regulated by the Central Council of Homoeopathy (CCH) through its various regulations under the Homeopathy Central Council Act, 1973. Homoeopathic medical colleges in different parts of India offers Undergraduate and Postgraduate degrees.

Teaching is another option for the Postgraduate degree holders in Homoeopathy. One with interest in research can pursue research as a career by becoming a research scientist. He or she can start his or her own clinic after getting the requisite degree in Homoeopathy. Though this system of medicine was born in Germany,now it has become an integral part of the Indian system of medicine.Ī well-trained Homoeopathy practitioner can work as a medical officer at various private and government Homoeopathy hospitals/ dispensaries. Homoeopathy can successfully treat the acute, long-standing chronic diseases where allopathy has limitation without its after effects. These remedies are made from natural substances such as part of plants, animals, their healthy or diseased secretions, minerals and imponderabilia.
Method of preparation includes the potentization of medicinal substance to the minute level by which the most inert substance can become the most potent dynamic medicine, enough to stimulate the body’s self-healing capability. Homoeopathy is a unique system of medicine in terms of its sources and preparation. Homoeopathy is a therapeutic method of treatment based on the concept of individualization and holism. The fundamental principles of Homoeopathy were laid down by the German physician Dr Samuel Hahnemann. The term Homoeopathy is derived from two Greek words ‘homoio’ meaning ‘similar’ and ‘pathos’ meaning ‘suffering’ or ‘like cures likes’. It is most preferred system of complementary medicine. Homoeopathy is one of the seven Ayush systems. There is also a dedicated autonomous research organization running a Postgraduate course. These impart recognised and formalised educational courses, training, and teaching in various courses of Homoeopathy. All across the country, many prestigious colleges of Homoeopathy, are run by the Ministry of Ayush and by the State governments or self-financed institutions. A career in complementary and traditional systems of medicines is much in demand today.