Once Survivalcraft 2 has finished downloading, extract the file using a software such as WinRAR.If using a torrent download, you will first need to download uTorrent.
Choose a mirror to complete your download. You will be redirected to a download page for Survivalcraft 2. How to Download and Install Survivalcraft 2 Possibilities are infinite in this long-running sandbox survival and construction game series. Play with up to 3 friends using split screen. Make and combine 40 different items of clothing to protect yourself from attacks and weather or to look smart. Blast your way through the rock with explosives. Ride horses, camels or donkeys and herd cattle to protect them from predators. Build a shelter to survive cold nights and share your worlds online. Tailor clothes and hunt over 30 real world animals for food and resources. Explore, mine resources, craft tools and weapons, make traps and grow plants. You are marooned on the shores of an infinite blocky world. Survivalcraft 2 is a sandbox video game created by developer Igor Kalicinski, commonly known as Kaalus, available for the Windows Phone, Android, iOS, and the Windows Store. Download Survivalcraft 2 for free on PC – this page will show you how to download and install the full version of Survivalcraft 2 on PC. Added starting location option: Easy, Medium and Hard Rain drops generate particles when striking ground Food takes longer to rot, rotten food turns into compost
Fixed glitches when too many complex blocks in one place Increased number of inventory slots to 10 Survivalcraft 2 Description You are marooned on the shores of an infinite blocky world.